Energy Club speaks at City Council "Peak Oil" hearing

Nov. 5, 2008

As reported on the front page of the Edmonton Sun (Nov. 6, 2008: "City may face big energy tab: Warning to cut energy use as oil prices soar"), Energy Club executives Ryan Saunders, Nathan Miller, and Ken Dwyer recently offered City Council their perspectives on Peak Oil and its implications for Edmonton. The hearing was held in response to a request by Councillor Don Iveson to review the Administration's energy forecasts and its assessment of Peak Oil.

Edmonton Sun Article HTML
The City's Report MS Word
Ryan's and Nathan's slides PDF PowerPoint
Ken's slides (edited for the web) PDF PowerPoint

The text below was copied from the Executive Committee Agenda, Nov. 5, 2008:


J.1. Energy Cost Escalation / Peak Oil ( D. Iveson )
Time Specific: First Item at 11 a.m. on November 5, 2008

Administration Recommendation
That the August 27, 2008, Deputy City Manager's Office report 2008DCM012 be received for information.


  • At the October 8, 2008, Executive Committee meeting, the August 27, 2008, Deputy City Manager's Office report 2008DCM012 was postponed to the November 5, 2008, Executive Committee meeting.
  • At the September 24, 2008, Executive Committee meeting, the August 27, 2008, Deputy City Manager's Office report 2008DCM012 was postponed to the October 8, 2008, Executive Committee meeting.
  • At the May 28, 2008, Council meeting, Councillor D. Iveson made the following inquiry: Given recent reports of rising fuel prices affecting the City’s budget, I am curious as to what analysis Administration has conducted regarding energy prices over the medium to long-term:
    1. Specifically, how far out do our forecasts reach, and what do they indicate?
    2. More generally, what is Administration's position on the notion of Peak Oil?
    3. What effects might a dramatic and sustained increase in energy prices have on city operations?
    4. What effects might a dramatic and sustained increase in energy prices have on citizens and industry in Edmonton?

This report provides a response to an administrative inquiry regarding the impacts of the cost of energy on City operations, citizens, business and industry. It also provides an overview of 'Peak Oil' and Administration's position on it.

Delegation: J. Tustian / B. Anderson


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